Front matter – Pitney Bowes SV62214 User Manual

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SV62214 Rev. A 09/08
©2008 Pitney Bowes Inc. All rights reserved. This book may not be
reproduced in whole or in part in any fashion or stored in a retrieval
system of any type or transmitted by any means, elec tron i cal ly or me-
chanically, without the express, written permission of Pitney Bowes.

We have made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and
usefulness of this manual; however, we cannot assume responsibility
for errors or omissions or liability for the misuse or misapplication of
our products.

Due to our continuing program of product improvement, equipment
and material specifi cations as well as performance features are
subject to change without notice. Your digital mailing system may not
have some of the features described in this book. Available features
vary, depending on the model of your mailing system, installed op-
tions, system software level, and how your system is set up.

E-Z Seal, Postage By Phone, Purchase Power, and PC Meter Con-
nect are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pitney Bowes Inc.
EN ER GY STAR is a registered trademark of the United States Envi-
ronmental Pro tec tion Agency. USPS is a registered trademark of the
United States Postal Service. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft