Philips SILHOUETTE Series T5 HO User Manual
Philips silhouette

Series T5 HO Extreme
Temperature Lamps
featuring ALTO
Improve your light quality while
reducing your energy costs
Series T5 HO Extreme Temperature
lamps are ideal for extreme temperature spaces for increased
energy savings
Provides extraordinary lumen output even in spaces
without climate control
• Lumen output is > 90% from 65˚F to 170˚F (20˚C to 75˚C)
due to amalgam technology
Reduced maintenance and disposal costs
• Long life for an extended relamping cycle
• 35,000 hours rated average life
• 92% lumen maintenance
• Warranty period: 36 months
Slim profile lamp and ballast
• Improved optical control
• Design flexibility
Sustainable lighting solution
• Reduces the impact on the environment: low mercury,
energy efficiency and long life
(1,3, See back page for footnote)
* See Energy Savings chart on back
Ideal for medium-bay
and high-bay applications
without climate control
† This lamp is better for the environment
because of its reduced mercury content.
All Philips ALTO
lamps give you end-of-life
options which can simplify and reduce your
lamp disposal costs depending on your
state and local regulations.
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