Philips 105B2 User Manual
Page 35

The degree to measure the actual location of a pixel on the screen corresponds with its intended location. (
see figure )
Line frequency
See Horizontal scanning frequency.
Low-emission monitor
A monitor that complies with international standards on radiation.
See Electromagnetic radiation standards.
Low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
Alternating fields generated by the deflection yoke. These are subject to increasing attention, notably by
governing authorities, the trade and the press. Although there is no scientific evidence that monitor
emissions are harmful, much effort has gone into reducing emissions on the principle of better safe than
sorry. Currently, there are two areas of interest: very-low frequency (VLF) electric and magnetic fields
extending from 2 kHz to 400 kHz, and extreme low frequency (ELF) fields extending from 5 Hz to 2 kHz.
See also Electromagnetic radiation standards.
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