Precor Electronic Console with the Pulse Feature 903 User Manual
Page 15

page 15
Remove the paper from the adhesive strip on the
flywheel’s foam mounting pad.
Wipe the back of the magnet with a dry clean, soft cloth.
Position it over the foam mounting pad on the flywheel and
press it onto the adhesive strip. Check that it is securely
mounted. See Diagram 12.
Wipe the base of the reed switch (the “base” is the
side opposite the ++) with a clean cloth.
CAUTION: Check the alignment of the +’s on the reed
switch with the magnet before adhering the reed
switch onto the side rail mount. For the electronics to
operate properly, the magnet can only pass over one
of the +’s on the reed switch.
To check the alignment between the magnet and reed
switch, move the flywheel slightly so that you can
place the base of the reed switch onto the foam
mounting pad. You should be able to see and read the
positive (+) signs. Position the reed switch between
the roller guard and deck so that the magnet passes
over one of the “+” markings on the reed switch.
Important: If the magnet passes over both “++” on the
reed switch, a false count or an erractic display can appear
on the electric console.
Diagram 12