Precisionaire Rings Panels Filter ST55R-2020 User Manual
Manufacturing specifications, For ring panel filters

For Ring Panel Filters
Standard Specifications:
1. The outer dimension of the wire frame is 3/4" under
thenominal filter size in each direction for a single panel.
2. The width of a link panel shall be 3/4" under nominal
size from wire to wire.
3. The total length of a link panel shall measure the nomi-
nal size from wire to wire when fully extended.
4. A 1.5" gap from wire to wire exists between all link pan-
5. All custom panels sizes are considered nominal and
support frames are 3/4" under listed size unless EXACT is
6. Wire support frames for custom link panels will be pro-
duced using the least amount of frames to produce the
desired length unless desired wire support sizes are spec-
7. All wire is 9 gauge galvanized steel.
8. All welds are butt-welded for added strength. No spot
welds are used.4. If the shortest nominal distance is less
than 10", no cross support piece is welded to the frame.
9. If the longest nominal filter distance is 20" or under, one
cross piece is welded to the middle of the wire frame. A
20"x20" filter is the only exception to this specification. It
uses two cross pieces.
10. If the longest nominal filter distance is greater than 20"
and less than 36", then two cross pieces are welded equal-
ly spaced within the wire frame.
11. If the nominal filter distance is greater than 36", then
three cross pieces are welded equally spaced within the
wire frame. Extrememly large frames may need additional
cross pieces.
12. All panels are dielectrically or ultrasonically sealed for
13. The media seal is a full 1/4" for added strength.
14. At least one center media seal will exist between each
crosspiece and the outer support walls to reduce media
flutter and sagging when in use.
15. The media shall overlap the wire support frame by 1-
2" in every direction.
Panel Varieties:
These are the most common single panels. They are one
piece filters. There is only one wire support frame that
spans the entire dimension of the filter.
Model Numbers
EX. 1 (ST55R-2020) EX.2 (SAR1P20-2424)
The first four digits of the model number identify the media
type used. The fifth model number is equal to R or P to
identify a single panel. If there is a sixth and seventh digit
before the hyphen, this identifies the quantity per case.
The first two digits after the hyphen identify the panel width
and the last two digits identify the length.
These panels have the same specifications as the stan-
dard panels above. These panels are linked together on
one side throughout the box forming one long link panel.
The benefit of this configuration is the ability to manually
cut a single filter of 20x20 or 2 filters to make a 20x40, or
3 filters for a 20x60, etc. The model number has a C at the
end to identify continuous.
These link panels are standard long sizes which require
more than one frame to produce the desired length. The
width can be from 6" to 30" and the length can be from 12"
to 1200".
Model Numbers EX. 1 (ST55L-20100-25)
The first four digits identify the media. The fifth digit L iden-
tifies a Link. The first two digits after the first hyphen equal
the width and the next two to three identify the length. The
final two digits after the second hyphen identify the length
of the wire support. In this example 4-20x25 panels are
linked to make a 20x100 filter. In some cases, the quanti-
ty is listed as the last entry, or as the first entry after the L.
Custom size single panels are made exactly as the stan-
dard single panels, however are made to any size specifi-
cations ranging from 6"x6" to 30"x50".
Model Numbers EX. 1 ST55RCS-1199
The digits after the hyphen equal the square inches of the
panel desired. A 16.5"x22.75" panel equals 376 square
inches andshould use the 399 model number range.
Custom size link panels are made exactly as the standard
link panels, and the model numbers are produced exactly
the same as the custom single panels, except there is an