Pentax PocketJet 3 User Manual
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When the printer is powered on and paper is found in the infeed
area, the printer will normally advance the paper a short
distance. This is the default ‘Enabled’ operation of the printer.
However, roll paper users who leave paper loaded while
powering the printer up/down may find that this is
inconvenient as it will misregister the top of form on pre-
printed and perforated roll paper. Those users will likely wish
to ‘Disable’ this feature.
The following configuration options will be set automatically by
the Windows driver. If using text mode, they should be set by
the user.
Print Density:
This sets the default print density (darkness) of the printing.
Darker print will use more battery power, but may be easier to
read if the font or other printed information is made up of
very narrow lines. If battery conservation is more important,
adjusting the setting for lightest print will do so. ‘Low’ =
lighter, and ‘High’ = darker print.
Form Feed Mode:
This setting effects what the printer will do in response to a
Form Feed command from any source. Different modes are
appropriate depending upon the type of paper being used.
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