Maintenance – Porter-Cable PSH3 User Manual
Page 5

5 - ENG
Always ex ercise ex treme care when us ing any sol vent or thin ner.
Nev er clean gun near fire, flame, or any source of heat or sparks.
Prop er ly dispose of used cleaning ma te ri als.
DO NOT soak en tire spray gun in sol vent or thin ner for a long
period of time as this will de stroy lubricants and pos si bly make
motion un even. NEV ER use lye or caus tic al ka line so lu tion for clean ing. Such so lu-
tions will attack alu mi num al loy parts of gun.
It is im por tant that spray gun be cleaned after daily use. Clean ing is ac com plished by spray ing
ap pro pri ate sol vent or thin ner through system. Wipe ex te ri or of spray gun with solvent soaked
cloth or use clean ing brush(s) provided to remove any ac cu mu lat ed ma te ri al.
(a) Empty material from grav i ty feed cup and replace with a suit able solvent.
(b) Operate trigger until all ma te ri al trac es have dis ap peared and gun is thor ough ly clean.
(c) Clean air cap with brush.
IMPORTANT: Make cer tain air cap and fluid noz zle are kept clean at all times. If nec es sary,
remove these two com po nents and soak them in solvent. DO NOT use hard objects to clean
clogged holes. The smallest amount of damage may cause ir reg u lar spray pattern.
NOTE: If fluid noz zle is to be re moved for thor ough cleaning, squeeze trig ger to pre vent dam-
of fluid nee dle tip when unscrewing nozzle.
Lubrication pro ce dures must be ob served after thoroughly cleaning the gun to ensure effective,
high qual i ty per for mance of spray gun.
1. Lubricate work ing points with straight mineral oil, or castor oil.
2. Periodically, place a few drops of oil on tapered sec tions of fluid nozzle to ensure easy
op er a tion of air cap. When spraying wa ter base ma te ri als, coat fluid nozzle in side and
outside with straight mineral oil after each use.
3. Outer di am e ter of needle sleeve of fluid needle as sem bly must be lu bri cat ed oc ca sion al ly
with straight mineral oil.
Change or Replace noz zle set
When chang ing nozzle set, make sure the complete noz zle set is ex changed. A set includes
an air cap, fluid nozzle, and fluid needle. NOTE: As sem ble flu id noz zle be fore putting in fluid
* Standard size is supplied with gun. Other noz zle sets should be ordered
sep a rate ly. A set includes an air cap, fluid nozzle, and fluid needle.
Nozzle Sets
Exchange of the self-tensioning nee dle packing
The fluid nee dle seal is effected by a Teflon pack ing with self-tensioning com pres sion spring.
To change the pack ing during general over haul, please use the socket spanner pro vid ed.
Part Number
Orifice Diameter
1.4 mm (.055”)
1.7 mm (.067”)
2.0 mm (.079”)
high solids, multipurpose
latex, acrylics, enamels