Patton electronic Patton EtherBITS 2232 User Manual
Etherbits™ rs-232 device server, Model 2232

thernet has far outgrown the confines
of the office network. From factories
and farms to railways and retail
shops, credit bureaus, banks—even medical
and dental offices—anywhere serial devices
are found—the EtherBITS Model 2232 offers
network managers the lowest-cost solution
for making the transition from legacy serial
infrastructure to the age of IP.
The EtherBITS Model 2232 provides both a
serial RS-232 port (male or female/DB-9 or
DB25) and a 10Base-T Ethernet port to link
any RS-232 serial device to the Ethernet LAN
at user-selectable data rates from 1200 bps
to 115.2 kbps.
The Model 2232 encapsulates asynchronous
serial data into IP packets for transport
through the network via TCP or TELNET. The
Model 2232 delivers a transparent end-to-
end connection to your PC or network man-
agement host using any user-defined IP
address and TCP port number. For greater
flexibility, a built-in DHCP client can dynami-
cally obtain an IP address from a master
server anywhere on the network. With the
included COM Port Redirector software you
can use the existing COM/TTY on your PC,
thus avoiding the hassle and expense obtain-
ing an additional software license.
Connect serial devices and terminals to
Ethernet quickly and easily with Patton’s
low-cost EtherBITS Model 2232 Single-Port
Terminal Server. The Patton EtherBITS Model
2232 lets you leverage the power and flexi-
bility of Ethernet for low-cost, hassle-free
device networking.
for more information.
Low-cost single-port device server lets you monitor, control, and collect data from any async RS-232 device over
any IP network.
EtherBITS™ RS-232
Device Server
Model 2232
Device Servers
Control and Monitor Serial Device
Link asynchronous serial devices and terminals
to your IP network
Connects Directly to the LAN
10Base-T LAN connection
via shielded RJ-45 connector
Standard TCP/IP Protocols Supported
ARP, ICMP, TCP, DHCP client, Telnet
Supports a Wide Range of Data Rates
User-selectable async data rates up to 115.2
Special Rates Available
Call for Details
COM Port Redirector Software Included
Windows-Tactical COM Port Redirector Linux-
vtty drivers
Connect with confidence.