Phase One 645 AF User Manual

Page 58

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CF card usage – 3S the Secure Storage System
When a card is inserted into the P–back, a complete disk check for a
valid file structure is performed.

For normal CF-cards you will not even notice the extra time it takes
larger cards will of course take slightly longer to load

Large Microdrives are experienced as slow, but a progress bar showing
the status if the time exceeds 2 seconds

The progress of a disk check is indicated with series of small dots in
the disk icon.

It is not recommended to turn off disk checking, but it is possible by
selecting the “Disk Checking” available in the “Menu” under “Storage”.

Whenever Disk Checking is turned off the capture counter turns red to
indicate that the disk has not been checked.

Disk Check summary

With the 3S technology we have created a new and safe storage system
in the P – back that is much more rugged than anything else seen in
the industry.

• We now offer full formatting support in the P – back (no more need for
formatting on the computer)

• Damaged or wrong formatted cards will be detected immediately, and
we now also have the ability to reformat the cards to correct them.

• Ejecting a card while in a writing session will not damage the file
structure of the entire CF-card, only the image being written and the
images in the buffer can be damaged.

• No other digital back or DSLR camera has this level of storage security!