Patton electronic NetLink 2720 T1 User Manual
Network termination unit

ne of the smallest and most economi-
cal CSU/DSUs available, the Model
2720 is loaded with features usually
found in more expensive units: flexible clock-
ing modes, AMI/B8ZS coding, diagnostics,
and nx56/nx64 rates—all easily configurable
through switches or VT-100 console.
The Model 2720 series terminates T1/FT1
services for all nx56/nx64 kbps to 1.544
Mbps rates and connects to the customer’s
router, FRAD, CODEC, and LAN with V.35, RS-
530, or 10Base-T interfaces. Front panel
LEDs and switches allow for instant diagnos-
tics and service monitoring. Use the VT-100
console port for complete command and con-
trol over your T1 termination. AC or DC power
options make installing the Model 2720 into
your network infrastructure a snap.
The wide variety of fea-
tures, compact size, and
low price make Patton’s
T1 CSU/DSUs the right
solution for your next
network challenge.
For more information, visit us at
The Patton 2720 T1 CSU/DSU terminates T1 and Fractional T1 services, and converts to V.35, EIA-530,
and 10Base-T Ethernet.
Network Termination Unit
Patton 2720 T1 and Fractional T1 CSU/DSU
NetLink™ Access Products
Eliminates Routers
Bridge Ethernet across the WAN using
industry standard PPP/BCP
Standalone or Rack Solutions
Available to suit your needs: small
desktop unit, or high density rack cards
Power it Anywhere
Universal input AC (90–240V), and
-48 VDC power supply options
Full Diagnostics Included 44 Mbps
V.52 511 BERT, 2047, QRSS, V.54 loopbacks,
and CO loop-up/loop-down diagnostics
VT-100 Control Port With Full
DS0 Mapping
nx56/nx64 channel selection from
64 kbps to 1.544 Mbps
Connect to Any Terminal Interface
Smooth clock V.35 and EIA-530
connection, and 10Base-T Ethernet
Special Rates
Call for Details
Power from universal
AC inputs or -48 VDC
Control Port
V.35, EIA-530, or
10Base-T interfaces
network connector
LEDs display network data, and
diagnostic status at a glance
Front panel switches for
loops and test patterns
2U-high rack card has the
same features and interfaces
as the Model 2720