System maintenance – Python Model 902 User Manual

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this product by anyone other than an authorized dealer voids the
warranty. All dealers are provided with preprinted dealer certifi-
cates to verify that they are authorized.

This owner’s guide should help you to get the most out of your
system. Please take the time to read it prior to using the system.

system maintenance

This system needs no specific maintenance beyond remote

control battery replacement. The 2-way remote is powered by a

1.5V AAA battery. The 1-way remote is powered by a pair of 3V,

CR2016 batteries.


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The Battery Level indicator has four level indicators that serve as

a visual indication of battery charge. When the battery reaches a

low charge level that requires replacement, the remote control

will generate a single notification chirp, and the Battery Level

indicator will flash continuously.

Battery Replacement (2-way remote)

Gently pull the end of the battery door away from the top of the

remote control then slide the door up to expose the battery and

remove the expired battery. Place the new battery into the remote

control observing the correct polarity. When power is returned

the remote control will display all icons in the LCD and generate