Pioneer SCSI-2 User Manual

Page 34

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Inquiry (12h)

The INQUIRY command supports standard 47 Bytes Inquiry data. If byte length in Allocation

Length is less than 47 bytes, the requested length is transferred. If byte length is 47 bytes or

more, only 47 bytes will be transferred.

The INQUIRY command returns Check Condition if data transfer to the Initiator was not

properly received.

Whenever a Check Condition is returned against any command, inquiry data is returned

providing the initiator with system information.

Operation Code is (12h).

Enable Vital Product Data (EVPD)

Must be set to “0” (ZERO) for the drive to return the standard Inquiry data.

If the Page Code field is not set to “0” (ZERO), the drive will return Check Condition

Status (Sense Key: Illegal Request) and sense code INVALID FIELD IN CDB.

Table 2-4A on the opposite page illustrates the standard Inquiry data format.


If “1” (TRUE), the media is removable.


If “1” (TRUE), the drive will support the Terminate I/O Process message.


If “1” (TRUE), the drive supports synchronous data transfers.

Table 2-4B on the next page outlines the drive specific values for bytes 16~31, Product Inquiry

Data; and bytes 32~35, Revision Number.