ProForm 785 TL User Manual

Page 14

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Programs 2, 3, 4, and 5 are speed programsÑthe
console will automatically control the speed of the
walking belt as you control the incline. Programs 6, 7,
and 8 are incline programsÑthe console will control
the incline of the treadmill as you control the speed.
The profiles on the left side of the console show how
the speed or incline will change during the programs.
During program 6, for example, the incline will gradu-
ally increase during the first half of the program, and
then gradually decrease during the last half. Pro-
grams 2, 3, and 6 are twenty-minutes programs;
programs 4, 5, 7, and 8 are thirty-minute programs.

Select a maximum speed or incline setting.

If you selected a
speed program
grams 2, 3, 4, or 5), a
message on the TV will
prompt you to select
the maximum speed
that you want the walk-
ing belt to move during
the program. Press the SELECT buttons to select a
maximum speed setting. Each time one of the but-
tons is pressed, the setting will change by 0.5 mph.
The setting must be between 2.5 mph and 10 mph.

If you selected an
incline program
grams 6, 7, or 8), a
message on the TV
will prompt you to se-
lect the maximum in-
cline that you want the
treadmill to reach dur-
ing the program. Press the SELECT buttons to se-
lect a maximum incline setting. Each time one of the
buttons is pressed, the setting will change by 0.5%.
The setting must be between 6.5% and 10%.

Press the PROGRAM START button.

When the PROGRAM
START button is
pressed, a program
profile will be shown
on the TV for three
seconds to show the
speed or incline set-
tings of the program
you selected.

After three seconds,
the TV will display the
information shown at
the right. The word
ÒWARMÓ will flash to
indicate that the warm-
up period of the pro-
gram has begun.
(Each program begins with a one-minute warm-up pe-
riod, and ends with a one-minute cool-down period.)
The white indicators to the right show upcoming speed
or incline settings. The numbers at the right side of the
TV show the maximum and minimum speed or incline
settings of the program. The letter ÒSÓ or ÒIÓ shows
whether a speed or incline program is selected.

A few seconds after the PROGRAM START button
is pressed, the walking belt will begin to move. Hold
the handrail and begin walking on the walking belt.

After the warm-up pe-
riod is completed, the
TV will display the in-
formation at the right.
The flashing white in-
dicator will show the
current speed or in-
cline setting. The
white indicators to the right show upcoming speed or
incline settings. The dashes to the left show the most
recent speed or incline settings. As the program pro-
gresses, the white indicators will move to the left and
the speed or incline of the treadmill will automatically
change as shown by the white indicators.

If a speed program is selected, the incline of the
treadmill can be changed at any time during the pro-
gram with the INCLINE buttons. If an incline pro-
gram is selected, the speed of the walking belt can
be changed at any time with the SPEED buttons.

During the last minute of the program, the word
ÒcoolÓ will flash on the TV to indicate that the cool-
down period of the program is in progress. During
the last ten seconds of the program, the incline of
the treadmill will automatically decline to the lowest
incline level. The walking belt will then slow to a
stop and the program will be completed.

Note: If the program is too easy or too challenging,
the maximum speed or incline setting can be ad-
justed by pressing the SPEED or INCLINE buttons.
The new maximum and minimum settings will be
shown on the TV. To pause the program, press the
STOP button. The exercise feedback shown on the
TV will begin to flash. When you are ready to restart
the program, press the PROGRAM START button.
To terminate the program before it is completed,
hold down the STOP button for two seconds.




1 0 . 0 MPH





1 0 . 0

0 : 0 0

SPEED 0 . 0






5 5






1 0 . 0

SPEED 0 . 0





5 5

2 0 : 0 0


1 0 . 0

SPEED 0 . 0





5 5

2 0 : 0 0





