7 using your camera as a web cam (pc only), Setting up netmeeting, Start netmeeting – Polaroid PDC 1050 User Manual
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Polaroid PDC 1050 Digital Camera User Guide
Polaroid PDC 1050 Digital Camera User Guide
7 Using your Camera as a Web Cam (PC Only)
• Setting up NetMeeting
1. Connect your PDC 1050 to the USB cable on one end.
2. Connect the USB cable to a USB port on your PC on the other end.
3. Put your PDC 1050 on top of your PC monitor or another flat surface.
4. Connect your microphone (not included) to your audio card’s external
microphone connector.
Before starting NetMeeting™, press Menu button on the camera -> select
“USB”-> press OK button to confirm -> select “Web Cam” ->press OK
button to confirm. Then you can start NetMeeting™.
• Start NetMeeting
For Windows XP/2000 users who use NetMeeting for the first time , Go to
Start -> Run ->type in “conf” ->click “OK” and then follow the on-screen set
up instruction to set up NetMeeting.
1. Double click the “NetMeeting” icon on the desktop or select the
“NetMeeting” icon from the Windows Start Menu.
2. If you need further help on how to use Microsoft® NetMeeting™, select
the “Help” under the menu bar and choose the topic you need. You
can also refer to the Polaroid “EASY TO USE GUIDE TO MICROSOFT®
NETMEETING™” or visit the website: http://www.microsoft.com/