Milnor BICWUT01 User Manual
Page 7

to increase the basket speed by two RPMs or decrease the speed by one RPM at each
adjustment. These adjustments are made three seconds before the end of the programmed
basket On time (programming decision XXX). Because the speed is adjusted only one time per
On time period, formulas programmed with On times near the maximum may require several
minutes to achieve the programmed speed.
To give the machine sufficient time to achieve a steady speed state and to maintain that speed
during troubleshooting, it is often a good idea to program a special test formula. To
troubleshoot a speed error in a bath step, the test formula should contain a bath of moderate to
long duration with relatively brief basket On and Off times.
1. For step 01, set the Type of Step to a Wash with basket rotation (T = 1 or 2).
2. Set the Step Time to about 10 minutes (MMQ = 100).
3. Do not set a temperature (FFF or CCC = 000).
4. Program the machine to fill with cold water (C = 1) to a low level (LL = 04).
5. Program no chemical injection (CC = 00).
6. Program the speed in RPMs (e.g., RPM = 018) that is used in the erroneous production
7. Program the basket On time to 20 seconds (XXX = 020) and the basket Off time to 3
seconds (YYY = 003).
8. End the formula (E = 0).
Use the formula created in Supplement 1 or a similar formula to evaluate other possible sources
of the problem.
Display or Action
With a step running in which the problem occurs, press this key
to view the speed diagnostics data. Press this key a second time
to close the speed diagnostics and display the normal run data.
10:38 F0005S03 02:37
0195 RPM=A029/D030
The top line of the speed diagnostics display is the same as when
the formula is running normally. All speed diagnostics are
contained on the second line.
The leftmost number is the calculated digital counts value. You
can determine the initial digital count for the programmed basket
speed from Table 1 and the equation below:
= [RPM
* (C/RPM)] + D
= Desired digital counts value
= Desired basket speed in revolutions per minute
C/RPM = Counts per RPM
D = Offset value