Paxar Freshmarx 9415 User Manual

Page 9

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Getting Started 1-5

L o a d i n g L a b e l s

Load wide labels on the left (printer 1) and narrow
labels on the right (printer 2) as shown below.
Printer 1 is the default printer.
1. Turn on the printer. Press the power switch on the

side of the printer to the on (I) position.

2. Remove and discard the tape from a new roll of


3. Lower the supply door.
4. Slide a roll of labels onto the supply holder.

If necessary, adjust the supply holder guide so it
touches the roll.

5. Feed the labels, printing side up, into the supply

slots in the supply door.

Note: Make sure no label adhesive is exposed when

loading labels. This causes jams.

6. Make sure the supply clip is in the correct position

to touch the edge of the supply. This clip guides
the labels through the supply slot so they do not
shift while printing.

Printer 2

Printer 1

Supply slot

Supply Holder

Supply clip