Patton electronic 1400 Series User Manual
Multiport bri voip media gateway, Patton smartnode 1400

Allowing the small office/remote office to lower communication
costs over any IP link, the SmartNode 1400 Multiport BRI VoIP Media Gateway
provides four voice-over connections with QoS for transparent voice, fax, and data calls.
Complete End-to-End Call Control
Using ISoIP™and ToIP™ technology, calls are connected
with voice, data, and supplmentary services delivered
transparently end-to-end.
H.323v3 and H.323+ VoIP
Connect to any SmartNode or VoIP capable device with universal
call control signalling. Use advanced features including H.245
Fast Connect, Early Start, Annex M3, ECS support, and RAS.
QoS Router with Dual Ethernet
Connect your LAN to any broadband access network with
PPPoE, DHCP, and NAT. Combine VoIP and Internet access to
guarantee voice priority and service quality.
Dual BRI So (S/T) Ports
Both ports support NT and TE interfaces for connection to any
telephone or service provider. Use call routing and access local
and remote service with a single phone or terminal.
Quad Call Support
Supports four simultaenous calls from either
the PSTN or the connected ISDN phone or PBX
he SmartNode 1400 Multiport BRI VoIP Media Gateway com-
bines voice and data with QoS routing and call switching to
provide private voice PBX networking and PBX extension.
Supporting four simultaenous calls from the IP network or the
PSTN, the SmartNode 1400 allows any small/remote office to use an exist-
ing IP network for lower-cost voice and data communications.
Using its patented ISDN-over-IP technology, the SmartNode 1400 will tunnel
ISDN/QSIG call control messages, as well as 64-kbps data (UDI/RDI) end-to-
end. T.38 FoIP, fax bypass, and modem bypass capabilities ensure that the
SmartNode 1400 will seamlessly connect to all voice and data, and PBX net-
working services. With H.323, SIP, and MGCP gateway support, the
SmartNode 1400 offers multiple user-defined G.711 and G.726 voice codecs as
well as G.723 and G.729ab for low bandwidth voice. With Patton’s ToIP™ call
routing technology and selectable NT/TE interfaces, the SmartNode 1400
extends any standard ISDN telephone or PBX-to-PBX with VoIP.
The SmartNode’s flexible programming interface combines a real-time
Quality-of-Service IP router with advanced network features. With NAT,
DHCP, PPPoE, and Access Control Lists/Firewall, the SmartNode 1400
connects your LAN to the WAN without the cost of extra equipment.
Using its built-in QoS feature delivers the highest quality of voice every
time—all the time. For more information, visit us at
Multiport BRI VoIP Media Gateway
Patton SmartNode 1400
SmartNode 1400
Transparent ISDN/QSIG Tunneling
Get true trnasparent voice networking between phones or
PBX’s. ISDN and QSIG messages can use IP instead of expen-
sive and private leased lines.
Full ToIP™ Support
Enhanced circuit-switched call routing allows user pro-
grammable call handling based on hunt groups,
caller/called ID, and time of day. Pass local PSTN call-
through without packet conversion.
Dual Ethernet ports support DSL/Cable/WLL
connections with NAT & PPPoE
EIA-232 Console port for configuration
10 LEDs give status indication at a glance
Internal Universal 100–240VAC power supply
Easy to use CLI, SNMP, and Java application for
configuration and managment.