Line 6 3.7 User Manual
Page 7

Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Start Here
On your computer:
Locate and copy all
.aet files to removable media (burn to a CD, copy to a Flash drive, etc…).
In Windows
environments, these files can be found in the C:\Document_and_Settings\
(username)\Application Data\Line 6\GuitarPort folder; on Mac®, look in /Users/(username)/
Library/Application Support/Line 6/GuitarPort.
Copy the GearBox installer to removable media, since the destination computer will not be able
to download it.
On the destination computer:
Install the GearBox software.
Copy the
.aet files from your removable media into the correct folder (described above). You
may have to create this folder manually if it isn’t present on your destination computer.
You’re done! You should now be able to launch the GearBox application with all Add-Ons enabled.
Just remember that for GearBox Plug-in operation, your Line 6 hardware must always be connected
via USB (even if you’re using a 3rd-party interface). You don’t necessarily need to be using your Line
6 hardware as your active USB audio device - it just needs to be USB-connected (and powered on for
units that have a power switch).