Male de-esser •23 – Line 6 3.7 User Manual
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Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Model Gallery
esser performs its gain reduction only on the selected frequency band, unlike the more typical insert-
style De-Essing of the Male De-Esser.
Male De-Esser
The Male De-esser should be your first choice for controlling the Sss and Shh sounds of male vocalists,
although as with all things musical, you may find many uses for it and may find that for some female
vocalists it works better than the Female De-Esser. For general information on De-Essers, see the Set
the De-Esser topic in the How To section. Technically-savvy users will want to know that this is a
standard insert-style de-esser, performing gain reduction on the full bandwidth audio signal.