Line 6 3.7 User Manual

Page 64

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Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Driver Panel & Recording


Tone 2, as well as the Send volume knob also affect the signals fed to Send 1-2. For example, Send

1-2 carries the same signal you hear on POD X3’s Main outputs, which could be just Tone 1, or some

combination of Tone 1 & 2. Your POD X3 Output screen options allow you to mute, pan or swap Tone

1 and Tone 2, so these options, of course, also affect what is fed to the Sends. Please refer to your


X3 Pilot’s Handbook

for details on the Output screen options and especially to learn more about the

unique POD X3 Dual Tone feature.

POD X3 also offers a Monitor Level slider in this tab as well - you can use this to independently adjust

your POD X3 monitor signal while recording (independently of the Send signal level that is being


PODxt devices show only one Record Send (Record 1-2).

The type of signal that is routed to the Record Send 1-2 is determined by the PODxt Signal Routing

option within the Audio Signal Routing menu at the left. Note that this Audio Signal Routing

determines this signal type regardless if GearBox is running or not. (See the

PODxt Audio Signal


section for more about the options in this menu). PODxt also offers a Monitor Level slider in

this tab as well - you can use this to independently adjust your PODxt monitor signal while recording

(independently of the Send signal level that is being recorded).