Lowrance electronic IFINDER PRO User Manual
Page 101
Trail Options menu: Flash Trails.
Update Trail Option
This menu lets you change the way the trail updates occur.
Trail Options menu.
If you uncheck the Update Trail option, automatic trail creation and
recording will be turned off in both Advanced and Easy modes, and
you must turn it back on to record trails. The default setting is on.
↓ or ↑ to
. With the option highlighted, press
check it (turn on) and uncheck it (turn off.)
Update Trail Criteria (Auto, Time, Distance)
The options are automatic, time, or distance. When it's in the default
automatic mode, the unit doesn't update the plot trail while you're
traveling in a straight line. Once you deviate from a straight line, the
unit "drops" a plot point (trail waypoint) onto the trail. This conserves
plot trail points. If a plot trail uses all of the available points allotted to
it, the beginning points are taken away and placed at the end of the trail.
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