Commercial mode, Peference, Detailed information for making a master tv – LG 26LH1DC1 User Manual
Page 68: Making a master tv

To set up a master TV you will need to know
how to enter the 26LH1DC1 Installer menu
and make changes to the default values as
required. If necessary, familiarize yourself with
the 26LH1DC1 Installer menu and how to make and
save changes in the menu, before attempting to clone
the 26LH1DC1 Master TV setup.
You will also need an Installer remote control similar to
the one shown in the front of this manual.
Finally, the TV’s closable features need to be set up.
This is a critical step. If the Master TV display panel’s
closable features like adding channel icons or channel
labels are not correctly added, then the cloned
26LH1DC1s TVs will all have problems.
As the cloning procedure is being performed, specific
steps need to be done at the indicated times to achieve
the desired result. Be sure to do each task as indicated.
If a procedure or step is left out or not performed
completely, cloning may not work. At each step, pay
attention to assure the TV screen shows the proper
message when cloning. If the message indicated does
not appear, there is a problem with that step and
cloning may not be successful. Cloning is only possible
when the signal source is an Analog channel, not a
digital channel.
Making a Master TV
Detailed Instructions
The following describes the procedure for preparing a
Master 26LH1DC1 for cloning and the procedure for
adding Channel Icons and/or Labels.
Note 1: Disconnect all Aux inputs. Under certain
conditions, Auto Program Scan is disabled if there is an
Aux input active.
Note 2: Under certain conditions, changes to the input
mode of the RGB inputs will not take effect until the
power is cycled (TV is turned Off and On). To avoid
confusion, disconnect all RGB inputs before entering the
Installer menu.
1. Enter the 26LH1DC1 installer menu.
a. Reset the internal controller to factory default by
accessing installer menu item 117 FACT DEFAULT, set
it to 1 and press “ENTER”. The value will change
back to 0 after the TV’s internal controller has been
restored to factory default condition.
b. Within the Installer menu, set the Installer menu items
to the configuration required of your institution.
c. It is important to set the tuning band at this time,
see Installer menu item 03 BAND/AFC.
d. Set Installer menu item 28 – CH OVERIDE to 001
to allow access to the Auto Program and Channel
List/Channel Label features in the Channel Menu.
Exit the Installer menu.
2. Access the Master TV menus and set the closable
options on the menus to the desired configuration.
Refer to the Closable Menu Features Chart on see
page 67.
3. Run Auto Program.
4. Enter the Channel List/Channel Label menu and edit
the channel line-up to include the Free-To-Guest
Channels only.
5. Assign ICONs to the channels using the Channel
Label Menu.
Note: You can add Channel ICONS typically network
logos like ABC, NBC, PBS etc. in this step. Or, in
Step 7, add Channel ICONS or labels for channels
without Icons.
6. Transfer the TV setup: Enter the 26LH1DC1
installer menu. Press ‘2’, ‘5’, ‘5’, ‘MENU’ to start the
transfer of the TV’s setup to the 26LH1DC1. Once
the transfer is complete, the system will exit the
Installer menu.
Note: Only do 2-5-5 + MENU once. The TV setup
may be corrupted if 255 + Menu is done more than
one time.
7. Edit/Add Channel ICONs and Channel Labels as
needed. Enter Installer menu. With menu displayed,
press 2-5-4 + MENU.
See page 65 for detailed instructions:
Editing/Adding Channel ICON and Labels on
Master TV
Changing a Channel’s ICON on Master TV
Changing/Adding Channel Labels on Master TV
Changing Source Labels on Master TV
8. Verify Master TV setup and feature configuration:
• Did you add Channel ICONS?
• Did you add Channel Labels?
• Did you add Aux Source Labels?
• Did you adjust all TV menu options as required?
The TV master setup is now ready to be cloned. Go to
the master TV cloning section or continue on to page
Detailed Information For Making A Master TV