Lowrance electronic LMS-337C DF User Manual
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built-in temperature sensor is packed with the
LMS-337CDF. It has 35
°/12° cone angles. A
single-frequency Skimmer transducer with
built-in temperature sensor is packed with the
LMS-332. It has a 20
° cone angle. Transducers
operate at speeds up to 70 mph (61 kts).
Transmitter: ................... 3,000 watts peak-to-peak/375 watts RMS.
Sonar sounding
depth capability: ........... LMS-337CDF: 2,500 feet/762 meters.
LMS-332: 1,000 feet/305 meters.
(Actual capability depends on transducer
configuration and installation, bottom com-
position and water conditions. All sonar
units typically read deeper in fresh water
than in salt water.)
Depth display:................ Continuous display.
Graph recording:........... Up to 1 GB on one MMC (or SD) card
Audible alarms: ............. Deep/shallow/fish/zone.
Automatic ranging:....... Yes, with instant screen updates.
Auto bottom track:........ Yes
Zoom bottom track: ...... Yes.
Split-screen zoom:......... Yes.
Surface water temp: ..... Yes, built into transducer.
Speed/distance log: ....... Yes, with optional speed sensor (sensor in-
cluded with LMS-337CDF.)
Receiver/antenna:............External; LGC-2000 12 parallel channel
NMEA 2000-ready GPS/WAAS re-
Background map:.......... Built-in custom, detailed Lowrance map.
Contains: enhanced detail of continental U.S.
and Hawaii. Includes more than 60,000 nav
aids and 10,000 wrecks/obstructions in
coastal and Great Lakes waters. Metro ar-
eas, selected major streets/highways and in-
terstate exit services details included.