LevelOne MUS-2500 User Manual

Page 28

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option. If using this option, make sure your hard disk has the same file

names or folder names, which should not be empty, or the application will

not update any files or folders without showing an error message.

- Synchronize files: Update the selected files which are present in the destination and

the source path. This method will also copy the selected new files to both the

destination and the source path. The unselected files will be skipped.

- Copy and replace files (remove unspecified files): Copy all selected files and

folders to the destination path and replace them, which will

have the

same name as


files to be added. But the unselected files in the destination will be removed.

- Update files (remove unspecified files): Update the selected files which are present

in the destination path, but the unselected files will be removed. This method will also

copy the selected new files to the destination path.

„ Overwrite field

- Ask before overwrite: Ask before overwriting the existing files.

- Overwrite without prompt: Overwrite the existing files without prompt.

- Skip existing files: Those files which are present are not overwritten.

‰ Use compression (7z): compress the specified files to the archive in destination path.

„ Backup Type field

- Add and replace files: Add all specified files, which are not present in the archive.

Replace the archived files, which have the

same name as the

files to be added



unspecified files in the archive will be skipped.

- Update files: Update the specified files, which are present in the archive, but the