Event setup – LevelOne FCS-5030 User Manual

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Event Setup

There are three sections in application page. They are event, server and media. Click

to pop

a window to add a new item of event, server or media. Click

to delete the selected item

from event, server or media. Click on the item name to pop a window to edit it.

There can be at most three events. There can be at most five server and five media


User can know the event name, status, weekly and time schedule and trigger type in event

section. The server name, type and address/location are shown in server section.

The current media free space, media name and type are shown in media section. After adding a

new media, the value of free space will be updated. User cannot add media which size is larger

than media free space.

It is suggested to set server and media first before setting event. The servers and medias selected

in event list are not modified or deleted. Please remove them first from the event if you want to

delete or modify them. Recommend that using different media in different event to make use all

media be produced and received correctly. If using the same media in different events and the

events trigger almost simultaneously, the servers in the second triggered event will not receive

any media; there would be only notifications.