Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 User Manual
Page 60

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Issue 1
May 1999
Command Mode
A system state in DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0
where flashware is in control and software is shut down. In this state, a
technician has access to menu options to see flashware status and ini-
tialization history, run through flashware diagnostics, and to start or
continue system initialization.
The particular composition and hardware selected for a system, includ-
ing internal options and peripheral equipment.
Control Link (CL)
The integration, or interface, between the DEFINITY AUDIX System
and the switch that enables the transmission of control messages from
the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the switch over a DCIU data link. The
control messages are transmitted over a separate cable connection
and carry information such as calling-party identification and mes-
sage-waiting indicator status and control.
Control Link Mode
The type of switch-link integration for which the DEFINITY AUDIX Sys-
tem, R2.0 or later, is connected to the switch via analog-line card emu-
lation and a digital connection.
Delivery Operations Support System (DOSS) Configurator
Lucent Technologies’ algorithmic system for configuring products for
customers’ specific needs.
Digital Communications Protocol (DCP)
An Lucent Technologies proprietary protocol for networking remote
communication systems.
DCP Mode 1
A Lucent Technologies proprietary Digital Communications Protocol
(DCP) connection using a data rate of 56 Kbps for AUDIX Digital Net-
working. DCP Mode 1 uses a DS1 facility on the switch or a dedicated
facility on the switch or a dedicated facility on a T1 carrier.
DCP Mode 2
DCP Mode 2 is an asynchronous, low-speed (9600 or 19,200 bps)
connection for AUDIX Digital Networking. DCP Mode 2 uses a
modem/data module or modem/Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU)
arrangement and connects over analog or voice-grade data lines.
DCP Mode 3
A DCP connection using a data rate of 64 Kbps for AUDIX Digital Net-
working. DCP Mode 3 uses a DS1 or ISDN facility on the switch or a
dedicated facility on a T1 carrier.
A value that is automatically supplied if no other value is specified.