LST LIF128-1 User Manual


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LIF128-1_DBL_LST_EN_0915.PDF • PAGE 1


Building Safety. Building Security.


By means of the Loop Interface LIF128-1, one ADM loop

with bi-directional data exchange can be connected to

Fire Detection Control Panels Series BC216. The loop

protocol can be parameterised on the control panel,

which makes the use of different brands of detectors


Up to

• 318 elements with

System Sensor/200


– 159 detectors and 159 modules – or

• 126 elements with


protocol or

• 240 elements with

Labor Strauss/700


can be connected to a single ADM loop.

Thanks to the high maximum output current of 500mA,

a larger number of loop elements with higher current

demand – such as loop sounders – can also be used

on the ADM loop.

Each ADM loop can be subdivided into a maximum of

144 detector zones. The function of the detector zone

– for example, manual call point zone, automatic fi re de-

tector zone, technical message or fault detection zone

– as well as the element types of the loop elements can

be parameterised on the fi re detection control panel.

The two loop connections of the loop interface – which

correspond to start and end of the loop – are equipped

with an isolator each. In the event of a short circuit, the

isolator interrupts the loop, thus maintaining the opera-

tional reliability of those parts of the loop that are not

affected by the short circuit.

By means of an integrated measuring and analysis func-

tion, electrical characteristics on the loop can be obtai-

ned and faults in the loop communication can be evalu-

ated. In the course of commissioning or maintenance,

this function allows the evaluation of the transmission

quality on the loop as well as the detection of external

voltages, poor wiring, or of exceeding line resistances.

For this,

• the resistance of both loop lines,

• the loop current,

• the loop voltage at both terminals, as well as

• the number of faulty queries on the loop

can be indicated on the Fire Detection Control Panel

Series BC216 since fi rmware version Vx.22.

On the control panel, you can perform a maintenance

prognosis for each connected smoke detector. The

continuous monitoring of the detector function allows

trouble-free operation and timely recognition of detec-

tor contamination.

The loop interface is equipped with a processor of its

own. At a possible central processing board failure, the

diversifi ed redundancy concept thus ensures reliable

alarm recognition.

The fi rmware of the loop interface can be updated via

an integrated USB interface.

• Intelligent analogue loop technology
• Several loop protocols for the

detector brands System Sensor,

Apollo and Labor Strauss

• Up to 318 elements on the loop
• Integrated measurement of loop

resistance, loop current and quality

of transmission

• Maximum loop current 500mA