Linn Twin Klimax User Manual
Page 18

The Klimax Twin, like all Linn amplifiers, is specified into a 4 Ohm load. We don't do this to claim a bigger
output power, but to show that our amplifiers are intended and fully specified for operation into 4 Ohm
loudspeakers. Most Linn loudspeakers have nominally 4 Ohms input impedance.
The Klimax Twin has a simple decision making protection circuit. Either the output current is safe or it's not,
in which case the amplifier is shut down instantly for a few seconds. An unsafe output current is defined as a
level of current above a threshold for a length of time, or an instantaneous current above an absolute
threshold. If neither of these conditions are violated the amplifier is delivering all the current requested by
the load. It's very easy to tell when our protection circuitry triggers; the amplifier stops.