Some assorted facts – Linn Twin Klimax User Manual

Page 13

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Some assorted facts

The transformer in the Klimax is less than 40mm (1.5 inches) cube. At 50/60 Hz it could deliver about 5

Watts. In the Klimax it can deliver 1000 Watts.

The reservoir capacitors in the Klimax are about the size of a thimble but give better filtering than ones the

size of a beer can used in other very powerful amplifiers.

The semiconductor switches turn on and off in about 20nS (20 one thousandth millionths of a second).

The overload protection for the switches can detect a potentially destructive condition and protect the

switches in less than half a microsecond (half of one millionth of a second).

We have patent protection for one of the innovative noise control techniques that are used.