Recording using the microphone/line input – Lexicon Recording Studio User Manual
Page 25

Recording Using the Microphone/Line Input
Rewind and Play Buttons
5. Turn the Alpha Studio™ Output Level knob to adjust the listening volume, and
make sure the Monitor Mix knob is somewhere in the middle between Direct and
To overdub a second track:
1. Click anywhere in the gray area (not on the buttons) of the Track 2 window
(labeled as
Audio 02).
2. In the Inspector, click the IN: box and select IN 1 or IN 2 for Track 2's input. (IN 1
relates to Line 1/Inst inputs, IN 2 relates to Line 2/Mic inputs)
3. In the Track 2 window, the Record Enable button
should already be red.
If it isn't, click it so that it turns red.
4. In the Track 2 window, click the Input Monitoring button
so that it is not
To set monitor levels for a comfortable listening level:
1. On the front of the Alpha Studio hardware, locate the Monitor Mix knob.
Monitor Mix
Input Louder
Playback Softer
Playback Louder
Input Softer
2. While playing back the recording, adjust the Monitor Mix knob to balance the
levels between direct input signal and recording playback. To make the direct
input louder than the recording playback in the headphones, turn the Monitor
Mix knob towards the Direct side. To make the recorded track louder, turn the
Monitor Mix knob towards the Playback side.
NOTE: Changing the Monitor Mix does not affect the recording level, only what
you hear while recording. You can also adjust the playback level and pan position
of the original track in your monitor by adjusting the controls for Track 1 within
LE’s Mixer window.
3. Click on Record and record the second (overdubbed) track.