LG 3803 User Manual
Page 28
(1) Selecting PN
The random signal (PN23) can be output by setting the Source to PN on the TS
Source (L-2) screen.
(2) Selecting ROM Pattern
The pattern stored in the ROM (called ROM pattern) can be selected by setting the
Source to ROM on the TS Source (L-2) screen, then press the Pattern (F1) key.
Figure 5-3 ROM pattern selection screen
• Pattern
Selects the video pattern.
Color Bar
Eight-color full field color bar pattern
Full field ramp pattern
Monoscope Monoscope
• Video Format (F4)
Selects the size of patterns listed above.
1920 x 1080 (16:9)
1280 x 720p (16:9)
704 x 480i (16:9)
704 x 480i (4:3)
• Audio
Selects the sound pattern.
1 kHz (L, R)
Tone signal (1 kHz for both left and right)
400 Hz (L, R)
Tone signal (400 Hz for both left and right)
1 kHz (L) + 400 Hz (R)
Tone signal (1 kHz for left, 400 Hz for right)
The pattern, pattern size, and sound can arbitrary be combined.
(3) Selecting External
The TS applied to the ASI or SPI connector is used by setting the TS Source to
External on the Source (L-2) screen.