Lincoln Electric SQUARE WAVE TIG 255 SVM100-A User Manual
Square wave tig 255, Service manual, Svm100-a

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22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. Tel. (216) 481-8100
World's Leader in Welding and Cutting Products
Premier Manufacturer of Industrial Motors
December 1995
Safety Depends on You
Lincoln arc welding and cutting
equipment is designed and built
with safety in mind. However, your
overall safety can be increased by
proper installation ... and thought-
ful operation on your part. DO
And, most
importantly, think before you act
and be careful.
For use with machine Code Numbers
For use with machine Code Numbers
For use with machine Code Numbers
For use with machine Code Numbers
For use with machine Code Numbers
For use with machine Code Numbers
Document Outline
- Master TOC
- Safety
- Section A Installation
- Section B Operation
- Section C Accessories
- Section D Maintenance
- Section E Theory of Operation
- Section F Troubleshooting & Repair
- Symptoms
- Major Physical or Electrical Damage is Evident.
- Machine is Dead - No Output - No Fan No Displays.
- Fan runs - Display and control panel dark. No output from machine in either Stick or TIG modes.
- The voltmeter reads “00” in Stick Mode, and there is no output from the machine when in the TIG 2-Step Mode.
- Machine does not respond (no gas flow, no high frequency and no open circuit voltage) when arc switch or amptrol is activated...
- 115VAC Receptacle not working properly (voltage is below 108VAC). Machine has welding output - fan is running.
- Machine regularly overheats - ther-mostat opens, PL1 (yellow light on front panel) glows. The fan runs but machine has no output
- Machine makes a very loud buzzing noise in DC Stick Mode, or in DC TIG Mode when the arc start or amptrol is pressed.
- There is no current draw from machine’s output studs. (The machine is not externally loaded).
- The ammeter displays a very high value (greater than 316 amps) when the machine is not loaded. Machine may have low or no out
- The yellow light (PL1) on the front panel is not lit.
- One or more keypad lights (LEDS) are dark and cannot be lit when their respective keys are pressed -machine is operable.
- The Beeper (Piezoelectric Buzzer) cannot be heard - machine operat-ing normally.
- The control panel displays cannot be read. The characters run, display only half characters, or random dots may appear on display
- The voltmeter always reads “00” . The machine output is normal.
- The control panel display background is dark instead of red. The machine operates normally.
- AC/DC Indicator on control panel display show AC when polarity switch is in the DC position, or vice versa - machine has output
- All red keypad LEDS are dark but the control panel display is operable. The machine has output.
- Machine output is intermittently lost. Gas flow and high frequency are also interrupted.
- Arc “Flutters” when TIG welding.
- Lack of penetration in AC TIG welding.
- Black areas along weld bead.
- Black areas along weld bead at or near end of weld.
- Machine has low output when in TIG 4-Step Mode.
- Weak high frequency - machine has normal welding output.
- The display shows zero amps, but indicates open circuit voltage (approximately 53V). The arc start switch or amptrol is not...
- High frequency “Spark” is present at tungsten electrode, but operator is unable to establish a welding arc. Machine has normal...
- No high frequency. Machine is in the TIG Mode and has normal output.
- No gas or water flow when arc start switch or amptrol is activated in the TIG Mode. Machine has output - fan runs. When toggl...
- Arc rectification when AC TIG weld-ing.
- There is no gas or water flow when the arc start switch or amptrol is activated in the TIG mode. The machine has output and the..
- Stick electrode “Blasts Off” when arc is struck.
- Cannot adjust AC Wave Balance when welding in the Stick Mode.
- Machine welds at a very low output regardless of the preset current setting - arc is stable.
- Variable or sluggish welding arc when welding in the Stick Mode.
- Section G Electrical Diagrams