Set terminal options – Liebert RCM8DO User Manual

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Chapter 3: Main Menu and SubMenus

Set Terminal Options

The Set Terminal Options Main Menu item lets you configure
the audible beep characteristics that are annunciated when an
alarm occurs and terminal/modem parity. This option also lets
you enable a communications check that sends a date and time
message at a specified hour each day.

To set terminal options:

1. From the Main Menu, press 7 to display the terminal options



1. Set Number of Beeps = 5

2. Set Beeper Interval = 0

3. Set Terminal Comm Check = OFF

4. Set Term/Modem Parity = 7E

to Quit

This menu also shows the current configuration for each

2. Press the number corresponding to the parameter you wish

to configure, then enter the appropriate data as follows:

Set Number of Beeps (1)

Enter the number of times the RCM8 will beep per second
(0 to 5) on receipt of an alarm. Press Enter to return to the
Terminal Options menu.

Set Beeper Interval (2)

Enter the number of seconds (0 to 5) to elapse between
alarm beeps. (0=disabled). Press Enter to return to the
Terminal Options menu.

Set Terminal Comm Check (3)

Enter the time (HH:MM) at which the RCM8 will send a
communications check message to the monitor, printer, or
terminal connected to the EIA-232 Terminal port. Type OFF
to disable this feature. If enabled, at the designated time, the
RCM8 transmits the date/time, Site ID, and the words
"COMM CHECK". Press Enter to return to the Terminal
Options menu.

Set Term/Modem Parity (4)

Type 7E for seven data bits/even parity or 8N for eight data
bits/no parity. Seven data bits/even parity is the proper
setting for most applications.

3. When you are finished, press Esc to exit the Terminal

Options menu and return to the Main Menu. Changes made
to this parameter are saved when you press Esc.

Liebert RCM8


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