Lynx Professional Grills 42" Free Standing Grill L42PSR-1 User Manual
Page 9

rilling requires high heat
for searing and low, con
rilling requires high heat
rilling requires high heat
trolled heat for slow cooking.
for searing and low, con
for searing and low, con
Thinner cuts of food are often
cooked at a “hi” heat setting
with the lid open.
on the other hand, large,
thick pieces of meat or
n the other hand, large,
n the other hand, large,
poultry are often first seared
thick pieces of meat or
thick pieces of meat or
at the
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
setting and then
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
poultry are often first seared
grilled at a
lower setting
sometimes with the lid closed
… achieving the best results
in the middle of the food
… achieving the best results
… achieving the best results
without burning the outside.
Some foods are cooked using
direct heat and some using
indirect heat.
Your Lynx grill features a
variety of professional-level
Your Lynx grill features a
Your Lynx grill features a
burners and tools for meeting
variety of professional-level
variety of professional-level
the wide variety of cooking
burners and tools for meeting
burners and tools for meeting
challenges. We will reveal
how these features work for
challenges. We will reveal
challenges. We will reveal
you. So please read and
depending on the model you chose, your Lynx grill may be equipped with up to three different
burner types. The operation of each type varies, so it is important to understand all three.
epending on the model you chose, your Lynx grill may be equipped with up to three different
epending on the model you chose, your Lynx grill may be equipped with up to three different
main Brass
This heavy-duty,
durable brass burner
is the standard main
burner found under
the briquette trays.
This advanced
infrared burner
provides high-
intensity infrared
provides high-
provides high-
heat for searing
intensity infrared
intensity infrared
foods and sealing
heat for searing
heat for searing
in flavor.
foods and sealing
foods and sealing
Rotisserie Burner
This adjustable infrared burner spans the
back of the cooking area and provides
This adjustable infrared burner spans the
This adjustable infrared burner spans the
consistent heat for slow rotisserie cooking.
back of the cooking area and provides
back of the cooking area and provides
There are a few must-check
safety precautions to consider
before you use your grill.
safety precautions to consider
safety precautions to consider
Please be sure that:
All packing materials and
tie-down wires have been
All packing materials and
All packing materials and
removed from the burners.
(see indeX: “gas requirements”
for further details.)
You have electric
(see indeX: “electric
requirements” for further details.)
A qualified plumber has
performed a leak test on all
A qualified plumber has
A qualified plumber has
the fittings that supply fuel to
performed a leak test on all
performed a leak test on all
your grill.
the fittings that supply fuel to
the fittings that supply fuel to
If your grIll does
not lIght In 4 to 5
seConds you may need
to purge the line. (
indeX: “Purging the gas line”
for further details.)
t the start of each new
grilling season you should
remove the grilling racks and
briquette trays and check the
burners, venturis, orifices and
briquette trays and check the
briquette trays and check the
valves for obstructions.
Spiders and insects often nest
in these areas of the grill and
Spiders and insects often nest
Spiders and insects often nest
can disrupt air flow, causing
in these areas of the grill and
in these areas of the grill and
damage to the grill and
can disrupt air flow, causing
can disrupt air flow, causing
personal injury.
Also, check all hoses and
fittings for damage, abrasion,
wear and tear.