Lynx Professional Grills 42" Free Standing Grill L42PSR-1 User Manual

Page 11

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manual lIghtIng


f a burner doesn’t light after

several attempts, it can be

match lit using the lighting rod

several attempts, it can be

several attempts, it can be

stored in the drip tray.
Match-lighting your grill is

done in one of three ways,

Match-lighting your grill is

Match-lighting your grill is

depending upon which

burners are being lit.

depending upon which

depending upon which

first, make sure you’ve

returned all of the control

irst, make sure you’ve

irst, make sure you’ve

knobs to the off position

and have allowed 5 minutes



for any accumulated gas to

dissipate before attempting to

for any accumulated gas to

for any accumulated gas to

match light a burner.

dissipate before attempting to

dissipate before attempting to

manual lIghtIng tube
Your grill features individual

manual lighting tubes for all

Your grill features individual

Your grill features individual

main burners except for the

manual lighting tubes for all

manual lighting tubes for all

right-most main burners.

main burners except for the

main burners except for the

Cold weather




Ing: ProPane



Extremely cold temperatures

may cause your Pros

Extremely cold temperatures

Extremely cold temperatures


burner to light





burner instead of

burner to light

burner to light



. once lit, if you hear a

‘whooshing’ sound, imme-

diately turn the burner knob

off to extinguish the flame

diately turn the burner knob

diately turn the burner knob

and then immediately re-

light the burner.

Using the lighting rod, place a

lit match in front of the manual

Using the lighting rod, place a

Using the lighting rod, place a

lighting tube for the burner

you wish to light.

(See photo)

Push and turn the correspond-

ing burner control knob to

Push and turn the correspond-

Push and turn the correspond-

“liTe”. if the burner doesn’t

ing burner control knob to

ing burner control knob to

light within 5 seconds turn the

knob off and wait 5 minutes

light within 5 seconds turn the

light within 5 seconds turn the

before attempting to light it

again. o

before attempting to light it

before attempting to light it

nce lit, gas will stop

before attempting to light it

before attempting to light it

flowing through the manual


again. nce lit, gas will stop

nce lit, gas will stop

lighting tube.


ght most maIn burner

The right-most main burner,

does not feature a manual

The right-most main burner,

The right-most main burner,

lighting tube.
To match-light this burner, use

the lighting rod to insert a lit

match through the cooking

grate into the front slot of the

match through the cooking

match through the cooking

briquette tray for that burner.

grate into the front slot of the

grate into the front slot of the

ing burner control knob to

“liTe”. if the burner doesn’t

ing burner control knob to

ing burner control knob to

light within 5 seconds turn the

knob off and wait 5 minutes

light within 5 seconds turn the

light within 5 seconds turn the

before attempting to light it


Prosear™ burner
The Prosear™ burner, does

not feature a manual lighting

To match-light this burner, use

the lighting rod to insert a lit

match through the cooking

grate and through the protec-

tive screen.

ing burner control knob to

liTe”. if the burner doesn’t

ing burner control knob to

ing burner control knob to

light within 5 seconds turn the

knob off and wait 5 minutes

light within 5 seconds turn the

light within 5 seconds turn the

before attempting to light it
