Oject." the folder is named automatically, P.45), W a v _ 0 0 0 1 – KORG DSD MR-1000 User Manual
Page 45

This file contains settings used by the system. There must be one and only one such file. Do
not move or delete it.
Never delete or rename this file.
This file contains a play list.
Do not rename this file.
WAV_0001 folder (project folder)
This folder is created for each project you record. The
numerical portion of the folder name will be
incremented, starting with 0001. The first three alpha-
betical characters will depend on the recording format.
Operations on the MR-1000 apply to the project recorded
in this project folder. Renaming the project will rename
the project folder, and the name of the project setting
file within the folder will also be renamed automati-
If you use your computer to rename a project folder, you must also spy the same name for the
project setting file (***.prj) within that folder.
Files inside the WAV_0001 folder (project folder)
WAV_0001.prj (project settings file)
This is a file specific to the MR-1000, containing information (protect setting, mark data,
etc.) for each recorded project. Only one file with this extension (.prj) can exist in each
project folder.
WAV_0001_001.wav (audio data file: wav)
These are stereo audio data files. The extension (.wav) will depend on the recording for-
When the file is recorded, the file name and the extension will be as follows.
W A V _ 0 0 0 1 _ 0 0 1 . w a v
Recording format
WAV(BWF)--- .wav
DSDIFF-------- .dff
DSF------------- .dsf
WSD------------ .wsd
The file is divided (into a maximum of ninety
nine files), with this area being "1" if the
file size is 1 GB or less, and "1", "2" ... etc.
if the size is greater than 1 GB. Even if the
file size is less than 1 GB, the file will be
divided if you pause during recording.
Project name
(This will not be
updated even if
you rename.)
AUDIO folder
This folder is used to hold audio data that was created on your computer or another de-
You cannot edit these files on the MR-1000, but you can add them to a play list and play
them. You can create up to four levels within a folder, but the MR-1000 is able to recognize
only up to a total of two hundred folders and files within this folder.
You must not rename this folder.
W A V _ 0 0 0 1
Format identification symbol
Recording number
A number from 0001 to 9999
assigned automatically to
each recording in a format
folder, in sequential order
06.11.22, 1:24 PM