Cautions regarding the usb key, The user website, Accessing the users-only website – KORG MONOPOLY POLYSIX MS-20 User Manual
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Cautions regarding the USB key
Cautions regarding the USB key
If the KORG Legacy Collection - ANALOG EDITION 2007 software will not
start even though the USB key is connected, please check the following points.
•If you’re using a USB hub, try connecting the key directly to a USB port on
the computer itself to see whether it will work. You can also try removing all
other connected USB devices except for the key.
•Download the most recent driver for the USB key. The most recent USB key
drive can be downloaded from
If the USB key is damaged, a fee will be charged for repair. Be careful of han-
Don’t connect the key to a USB port or hub that supplies a voltage higher than
the 5 V specified by the USB specification. If you’re using a powered USB hub,
using the wrong AC adaptor may damage the USB key. If you’re using a Mac, be
aware that the USB port located on the rear of the Apple display may provide
excessive voltage, so avoid connecting the USB key to that port.
Korg provides no guarantee regarding a lost or stolen USB key. Keep the USB
key safe, since you will have to purchase the product again if the key is lost or
The user website
Registered users of this product can access the users-only website.
Software updates and program data can be downloaded from the KORG USER NET
users-only website.
Accessing the users-only website
Start up your web browser, type “” in the address bar,
and connect to the Internet.
The user website’s log-in screen will appear. Type the e-mail address and pass-
word with which you registered.
If you’ve forgotten your password, you can click “Forgot your password” to
obtain the password you registered.
When you’ve typed the necessary information, click one of the items at the right.
When log-in is completed, the page you selected will appear. Proceed as directed
by the instructions in each page.
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