Basic usage pattern, Voice activate command, Voice activate command basic usage pattern – Kenwood DVD NAVIGATION SYSTEM KNA-DV3200 User Manual
Page 57

English 57
Voice control can be carried out by simply clicking the talk switch and speaking a voice command
(see the following section) into the microphone.
Click the talk switch.
The system will emit a short confirmation beep.
Speak the desired voice command.
Upon recognition, the system will emit a confirmation sound.
When an announcement for confirmation is made to the input voice command, press the talk switch again and
speak "Yes" or "No".
When an announcement is made for the selected point to be set to the route point after inputting one of
destination operation commands, press the talk switch again and speak "Enter destination", "Add to waypoint",
"Renew destination", or "Cancel".
• If the same voice command is not read back, redo the sequence from the beginning.
• To cancel input of a voice command, hold down the talk switch until the system emits a beep (long or short), or
select the display.
• Using the Help command will display the Help screen for voice recognition.
The following voice commands can be used with voice control.
Voice Activate Command
Basic Usage Pattern
Shortcut Commands
[Show] Current (Position/Location)
[Show] Map
[Command] (Help/List)
Repeat [Voice] [Guidance]
Map Operation Commands
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom In Maximum
Zoom Out Maximum
Right Map Zoom In
Right Map Zoom Out
Right Map (Zoom In Maximum/
Minimum Scale)
Right Map (Zoom Out Maximum/
Maximum Scale)
[Change to/Show] North up [Mode]
[Change to/Show] Heading up [Mode]
[Change] Map Direction
Right Map [Show] North up [Mode]
Right Map [Show] Heading up [Mode]
Right Map [Change] Map Direction
[Show/Change to] Dual Map [Mode]
[Show/Change to] Single Map [Mode]
(Store/Mark) [This point]
[Change to] 3D map [Mode]
[Change to] 2D map [Mode]
POI Display Commands
Petrol Station/Petrol
Parking/Car Park/Multistorey Car Park/
Car Park
Town Centre/City centre
Town hall
Exhibition centre/Convention Centre
Community centre/Civic Centre
University/Higher Education/College
Park/Park & Recreation/Recreation/
Amusement Park
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] 2
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] 3
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] 4
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] 5
Guidance Commands
[Show] (Whole/Entire) Route [Map]
[Show] Next Way Point [Map]
Show First Way Point [Map]
Show Second Way Point [Map]
Show Third Way Point [Map]
Show Fourth Way Point [Map]
Show Fifth Way Point [Map]
Show Destination [Map]
(Delete/Cancel) Next Way Point
(Delete/Cancel) Destination
(Delete/Cancel) All Way Points and
Voice guidance OFF
Voice guidance ON
Detour Entire Route
[Change to] Arrow (Guide/Guidance)
[Change to] Turn List (Guide/Guidance)
[Change to] Motorway (Guide/Guidance)
[Change to] Crossroads (Guide/Guidance)
Display Commands
Display [set] day [mode]
Display [set] night [mode]
Display [set] auto [mode]
Bowling centre/Bowling alley
Golf course
Historical Monument
Ice Skating rink/Ice rink
Music club
Ski resort/Skiing
Sports centre/Sports Complex/Stadium
Tourist attraction
Tourist information
Restaurant/I'm Hungry/Show Restaurant
Chinese Restaurant/Chinese Food
Fast Food/Fast Food Restaurant
French Restaurant/French Food
Italian Restaurant/Italian Food
Japanese Restaurant/Japanese Food
Other Restaurant/Other Food
Shopping centre/Shops
Bus station
Ferry port/Ferries
Park & Ride/Rest Area
Car Rental
Motorway service
Railway station/Underground Station/
Train Station
Destination Operation Commands
[Go] Home
Enter Destination
Add to waypoint
Renew Destination
[Go to/Previous] Starting Point
[Go to] Previous Destination
[Go to] Preset Destination [Number] One
• Voice commands are sorted into the following five categories.
• Items in [square brackets] can be omitted. In addition, one of the items shown separated by a forward-slash must be selected.
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