Crosstalk – Koss Totem Mani-2 User Manual
Page 50

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The cheapest we know of is from
Apple. The Airport Express looks like
the little power supply that comes with
Apple laptops, and contains a Wi-Fi
transmitter that will hook up to your
local network, or directly to your com-
puter if it has a Wi-Fi card.
Since it has no display, you configure
it from your computer. You can then get
analog audio from it via a mini phone
plug, or you can get digital audio into
your own DAC with an optical cable. It
plays what the computer sends it, since
it has no controls of its own. The box
has an Ethernet connector for printer
sharing or setting up an ad hoc network.
It costs US$129, or C$159.
The Roku Soundbridge M1000 has a
feature set closer to that of the Squeeze-
box, and costs $100 less. The M500, with
a smaller, nearly unreadable, display is
even cheaper. It won’t run Apple Lossless
tracks unless (ironically) you download
Slim Devices’ software. The picture
shows an “M2000,” which appears to be
We attempted to get a Soundbridge
for review, without success. Roku’s listed
Canadian distributor shows startlingly
high prices, and e-mails to its site bounce
back. Roku told us it would “look into
it,” but that was nearly a year ago. In the
meantime we have had a reader report
that the Soundbridge’s optical output
is poor. Since Roku will not or cannot
supply a unit for review, we pretty much
have to leave it at that.
We have no plans to sell our rather
expensive CD (and SACD) players and
shove everything into the computer. Nor
will we stop reviewing (and recommend-
ing) standalone music sources, both digi-
tal and analog. It is, however, possible to
get real high fidelity from a computer if
you know what you’re doing.
And it’s probable that better devices
yet (the Squeezebox 4, perhaps) will yield
even higher fidelity. It’s important to
understand that the digital signal from
your original CD remains digital right
through the entire process, and finally
enters the analog domain only at your
stereo system. The acrobatics that your
computer, your Wi-Fi router and the
Squeezebox put it through are as noth-
ing compared to the manipulations that
go into the actual manufacture of the
Compact Disc itself. Even so, there’s a
better than even chance that the disc was
mastered on a computer not unlike the
one you own.
We’ve been told, by the way, that we
can obtain much better sound from the
Squeezebox by replacing the tiny power
brick that comes with it. Expect us to
take the hint.
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