Headphone amplifiers, Benchmark dac1 – Koss Totem Mani-2 User Manual

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complicated things.

Here’s how we solved the problem.

The source we selected for these tests

was a combination of our CEC TL51X

belt-driven transport and the Bench-

mark DAC1 converter reviewed in

our last issue. We did that because the

Benchmark’s headphone section was one

of the products to be reviewed, and that

way we could keep the source constant.

We listened first to three recordings

through the DAC1, but kept our conclu-

sions for later, since we had as yet noth-

ing to compare it to. We then listened

to the same three recordings through

the Lehmann and CEC amplifiers, and

then returned to the Benchmark. So let

us begin with the end, as it were.


f the name is familiar it’s because

we reviewed this digital-to-analog

converter from a little-known

company in our last issue. It’s

not expensive as high end DACs go, at

US$975, and fortunately it really is high

end. Benchmark Media, which produces

the unit, sells directly where it has no

local dealers.

But there’s more to the DAC1 than its

obvious function. Notice the volume

control on the front panel? It

can be disabled, and we

had disabled it in our

original session. Now

notice the two headphone

jacks? Yes, the DAC1 is

also a headphone ampli-

fier, a function which, you

might say, is thrown in for free…as if the

DAC1 weren’t enough of a bargain in the

first place!

Because we know that the DAC1,

plus our CEC TL51X transport, is a

highly credible source, we used that

combination for the listening sessions.

That way the source would always be the

same. We would listen to the Benchmark

itself first, and return to it last for a final

comparison (since we have no reference

headphone amp). To try the other two

amplifiers, we would disable the DAC1’s

volume control (by flicking a switch on

the rear panel), and run a pair of our

reference interconnect cables from the

DAC1 output to the input of the test


We began the session with the

Margie Gibson song we had used in

the headphone evaluation. It really did


Oh well…back to Latin!

Irit at. Exer accumsan euis alit eui

exero er iuscilis do er inis num volore

dunt adipissent elenis nulla faccum

doloreet iuscipit lan ut dunt voloborer

inim dolore ming eniam iustio od dolent

volore dit, vullam, sim dolum aliquis

am dolorem do et laore tet num quis

am quat ad eugiamcommy nosto odit

ullum augait wissendit wismodolenit ilit

wismolor sustisc iniscil iquisi tem ing

erit ad tatum eum dolorpero delenim

dolenisis eli-

quam, sit vero exer sequam am

vulla adip elenisse faciliquisi.

Riusto odiatet nos dolorperci ero

odolesectem am vent autat utpat, conul-

lan henim dolor suscipit volore molorper

sed mod tat non eliquisi bla alit, sisi

blandrem ing euip et, quat, vel in eum

ex ea consequat exerit ver iureet wisi

tin vel doluptatum volobore duip el

eugait alit ullandigniam aliquisisl illam

veraesequi tie conse dionum delis ea

aliquat ero odo esequis nonse dolenis-

sissi tat. Dui blamconsent adiam do

doluptatuer il dolorer cincing essequisl

incidunt prat vel dolorpe rcillamet lore

te velessis augiamet, quismolum venibh

eugiam iniat, volore magnibh eum exerit

verciniatio od tat, vullaore commy

nismodolore minciduisim in ea facipit

ad tet nummodo odio conse dolor ilit

lumsan eu feugiam nonsed modip ea

facilla commodo con et landignim venim

am euisit niamcon sequisl ulla feummy

nim dolorer in veraessi.

Cidunt euis er ipisisse-

quis augue

do er ipsusto

o d m o d

minim dolor

ilis nulputat.

Q u i

e x e r s u m i n

velesto odipit lorem

vel ip et aliquat. Ut nisl

dolorer iusciduipsum quis

nullaor ipsustrud ea cortie

magna feum acipisit loreet alit

nostrud eum zzriurer suscidunt

luptat inim et volore dipit dit wis

num aliquis dolore moloborem volor ing

eum eu facilit inci eugueri liquat nis ad te

eugiam volore dolore delesto dolestrud

molor sisim nit lobor sequam, conseniam

verci ea alit nisim nullam inci blan henim

zzrit lortie tionse tie dolenit num in velit

alit lut praesenibh exer iriurem digna

feugait adipit autem adignit iureet in

heniam, sis amconsed magnissisit am

dit aut velis ad dipsumm odipsuscipis

augait, sent doleniat ut venim dolessecte

do doluptat. Ut acipit amet wismolore

dolore esto commy nim nisisl ut eum

acillaor se facipis senisl ulluptatie diam

ipisisim zzrit wisis autpatie el ute con-

secte tismolobore ea con utet amconse

voleseniat, quipis ad min verostrud tion

henit wisl ut laore do ea feum zzriureros

auguerci blan velenisl ea faciliqui euisi.

Laore velenim nim velenim nisl il in

henis el euismod ipsusciduis nonullut lan

vullamcommy nosto dio eugiamet ipisi.

Duisl ut am aliscin.

Brand/model: Benchmark DAC1

Price: US$975

Size (WDH): 20.5 x 21 x 4.5 cm

Most liked: Volore dipit dit wis num

aliquis dolore

Least liked: Ut nisl dolorer iuscidu-


Verdict: Dolor suscipit volore

molorper sed mod tat

Summing it up…

Headphone Amplifiers

Benchmark DAC1