Dog-eared magazines? phooey, Just subscribe, Save even more with the electronic edition – Koss Totem Mani-2 User Manual

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ULTRA HIGH FIDELITY, Box 65085, Place Longueuil, LONGUEUIL, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4
Tel.: (450) 651-5720 FAX: (450) 651-3383 VIA THE INTERNET:

FOR 13 ISSUES: $62.50 (Canada), US$62.50 (USA), C$118 (elsewhere, including air mail costs). For six issues, it’s C$31.25 (Canada), US$31.25

(USA), C$59 (elsewhere). In Canada, add applicable sales tax (15.03% in QC, 15% in NF, NB, NS, 7% in other Provinces).

You may pay by VISA or MasterCard: include card number, expiry date and signature. You must include your correct postal or zip code. You may

order on a plain sheet of paper, provided you include all the information. Choose to begin with the current issue or the issue after that. Back issues

are available separately. Choose your options:

13 issues 6 issues start with issue 76 (this one), or issue 77 (the next one)

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How’s this for ironic! You can pay a lot for a magazine,
or you can get it cheaper, and it’s the expensive copy
that’s likely to be tattered, torn, and… yes, dog-
We mean the newsstand copy. Where do copies sit
around unprotected? At the newsstand. Where do other
people leaf through them before you arrive, with remains of
lunch on their fingers? At the newsstand. Where do they
stick on little labels you can’t even peel off? Well…
Surprise! At a lot of newsstands, they do exactly that!
Our subscribers, on the other hand, get pristine copies,
protected in plastic, with the label on the plastic, not the
We know what you want is a perfect copy. And perhaps you’d

rather pay

a little less for the privilege of receiving it in perfect condition.
As if that weren’t enough, there’s the fact that with a subscription you qualify
for a discount on one or both of our original books on hi-fi (see the offer on the
other side of this page)?
So what should you do?



Read it on your computer. It looks just like the printed

version. Just C$43/13 issues, tax included, worldwide!