Editing – KORG EASYSTART MS-20 User Manual

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Korg Legacy Collection EasyStart

3. Using the mouse or the value dial on your microKONTROL, select any of the programs in the PERFORMANCE

window. Note that in the upper right hand corner you can see what synths make up the program. By double-
clicking on a synth in the top right corner, you will enter the editing screen for that synth. Located at the
bottom of this window, you can view and alter the effects (up to 2) being used on that synth.

Be sure to select and work with these Legacy Cell sounds:


000 Vaporization Pad:

Contains an MS-20 and a Polysix and uses 4 effects


105 Antique Lamp:

Contains 1 Polysix and uses 2 effects


035 Hard Sync Lead:

Contains 1 MS-20 and uses 3 effects


089 Bad C Split 1:

Contains an MS-20 and a Polysix and uses 4 effects. This is a good
example of the split capabilities of the cell structure


001 Doubled Screamer:

Contains 2 Polysix’s both at 8 voice unison and uses 6 effects


1. The Legacy Cell contains 4 buttons, located at the top-left portion of the window. These buttons will allow

you to move through the main edit screens for the Cell. The first and the fourth buttons will always be the
same – PERFORMANCE and COMBINATION. The middle buttons will change depending on which synths are
being used for the current program.

2. From the PERFORMANCE screen, you can mouse-click on any encoder or slider and move it to change the

value for the assigned parameter listed above it. Parameters can be re-assigned by clicking on the name, in
the little blue screens. When not using a microKONTROL, controller numbers can be re-assigned by Right-
clicking (Windows XP) or ctrl-clicking (Mac OS X) on the graphic of the slider or encoder in the Cell
instrument. You can manually set the cc # or choose to Learn it from a physical controller.

3. Master effects (up to 2) and mixer settings can be assigned and edited from the PERFORMANCE screen as

well. The middle portion of the window shows the current assignment of master effects. By Right-clicking
(Windows XP) or ctrl-clicking (Mac OS X) on the program name in blue, effect window you can select from
any of the 128 preset effect programs included in the collection. By clicking on the algorithm name below it
you can choose from any of the 19 effect algorithms. Mixer settings are located in the bottom right portion
of the Cell instrument window.

4. Synths used in a Legacy Cell program can be edited by clicking on one of the synth buttons at the top of the

window. Editing the synth in Cell is identical to editing the synth in stand-alone except that now up to 2
insert effects can be applied to each. Effects are located at the bottom of the synth edit screen.

5. The COMBINATION screen allows you to edit Key Zone, Velocity Zone, Key Transpose, Control Change and

Channel Pressure for each of the synth parts that make up the Cell program.