Create and edit notes – Kerio Tech Version 6.5.2 User Manual
Page 98

Chapter 1
Kerio WebMail
Note: For listing by subject, items are sorted by the alphabet of the language set in Settings as
preferred (the General tab) — for details, see chapter
. In result, if for example English
is set as preferred and subjects are in German, subjects will be ordered by English alphabet
and some specific national characters may also cause problems in sorting.
Adding and deleting columns
Users can customize the appearance of the table and the information shown. The columns can
be added or deleted. Right-click the table header and specify the column settings in the Select
fields window. The pop-up menu contains the Change columns option. Checked columns will
be shown in the dialog box, unchecked columns will be hidden.
Adjusting the column width
The width of the note list can be adjusted. To change the column width, click between two
columns in the table header and drag the cursor right or left as needed.
1.9.3 Create and edit notes
To create a new note, click on the New note option on the toolbar. A simple yellow window
is opened. Any text can be written in the note area. The text of the first line is automatically
used as the note’s subject. To separate this line from others, use Enter. The other lines are
not displayed in the list.
Figure 1.92
The note dialog also includes date and time of the creation and a colour pallet which can be
used to select a colour for the current note (yellow is used by default).
The note window can be resized. The parameters set will be kept for future. This means that
the window’s size and position will be kept for the next time the note is opened.
When finished, save the note by the Close button (see figure