Calendar view – Kerio Tech Version 6.5.2 User Manual
Page 68

Chapter 1
Kerio WebMail
1.7.2 Calendar view
As suggested at the beginning of this chapter, calendars allow several layout views. Users
can select a view type which they currently find the most useful. In this section, detailed
descriptions of individual view modes are provided.
Figure 1.64
Switching between view modes
Note: Modes can be changed by the corresponding toolbar buttons (see figure
Day view
The day view is the most detailed one since it focuses the shortest period. The schedule is
divided into 30-minute periods market by a clock symbol on the left. The current interval is
highlighted in yellow color (the first half-hour of the 12th hour in the picture
The single-day view header serves to better reference in the calendar. In the left section, the
current day and date are displayed; in the right section, there is a thumbnail calendar icon
with sliders.
The individual calendar events are ordered in a vertical timeline. Each event is marked by
a colored stripe and it contains the basic information (subject, location, whether it is private
or not and if is has a notification). Whole-day or multiple-day events are displayed in the upper
section of the calendar, before the timed schedule (so that these events do not mess into the
daily schedule).
The events in this type of view can be moved to a different time using the mouse pointer or
extended to cover more hours. To move an event, move the mouse pointer to the left stripe
marked with a different color. After the pointer changes its shape to four arrows, click the
left mouse button and move the event to another time. To extend or reduce the time interval
of an event, move the pointer to the upper or lower area of an event and after the pointer
changes its shape, click the left mouse button and edit the event as necessary.
Focus once again on the left coloured vertical stripe. This area shows the time of the event’s
duration. If the event is shorter than half an hour, the stripe is shorter as well so that users
can recognize the time period taken by the event.
The coloured stripe also shows level of the user’s busyness during the event:
purple stripe — away,
full blue stripe — busy,