Kerio Tech Version 6.5.2 User Manual

Page 32

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Chapter 1

Kerio WebMail


dialog where the attachment can be saved. Users can also use the pop-up menu of the link

(the Save as option).

Reply to a message

It is possible to reply directly to any message. This can be done by the Reply button available

on the toolbar (see figure


). The button includes a menu where it is possible to select from

two options (Reply to send the reply only to the sender or Reply All to send the reply to all

addresses included in the original message). Click on one of these buttons to compose the

reply message. The email address of the person who has sent the original message is entered

automatically in the To field. Note also that the subject of the message now contains the Re

string. This string indicates reply to previous message.

Figure 1.24

The Reply button menu

The message can be also forwarded to other recipients. Click on Forward to edit the selected

message where the To and Cc fields are left blank, because the system does not know who do

you intend to forward the message to.

If you receive a message with the Fw: string prefixing the subject, you’ll know that it is a for-

warded message (. Fw:

detailed information regarding the today’s meeting


Message flag

Each of the received messages can be marked by a flag in Kerio WebMail. It is a little colored

flag symbol that reminds users of the message it was appended to. Flags help us look up

messages easily.

Click the column with the flag image to add a flag to/from a message (see image


). The

same method can be followed to remove a flag. Simply click on the flag you wish to remove.

Figure 1.25

Message list