Having loaded the camera remember to – Kodak I User Manual

Page 6

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arrow until a slight resistance is felt. This takes up the slack film inside the cassette.

d. Safety lever

e. Opening button

f. Rewind knob

g. Built-in take-up spool

h. film transport socket

Having loaded the camera remember to

• Set the film counter
• Set the film speed
• Set the film type indicator

This is how to set the film counter
The film counter operates from No. 36 back to No. 1 and thus shows you at any time how many
exposures you have left on your film.
Press and hold down the film transport release button (i); then, at the same time, press the film
counter setting button (k) in the direction of the arrow as many times as necessary to bring the
diamond-shaped $ mark between 1 and 36 opposite the notch in the upper edge of the film
counter window (I). When using a 20-exposure cassette set to the diamond $ mark at No. 23.