Faq frequently asked questions – Kustom WAV 210 User Manual
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1. Does using the Footswitch disable any features on
the front panel?
2. Can I use a different Footswitch with this amp, or
use a different amp with this footswitch?
3. How are the line outputs different from the
preamp output on the rear panel?
4. There is a low frequency hum in our PA when I
connect the line level outputs to it. Any
5. Why don’t you have external speakers jacks on
the amp?
7. I get different effects when switching channels. Is
there something wrong?
8. On the display, what causes an effects group to
have a blank level display?
ANSWER: No, any settings on the Footswitch that are
repeated on the front panel can be changed using
either the Footswitch or front panel buttons.
ANSWER: No. The KAC-FSWAV Footswitch supplied
with your amp is the only one compatible. Do not use
Footswitch on other third party
amplifiers even if the CAT5 cable fits the Footswitch
jack. Use only with Kustom
series amps.
ANSWER: The Line outputs signal is taken from the
power amp speaker outputs and attenuated 30 db so
it can be used with powered speakers and monitors to
give an accurate reproduction of the sound from the
internal speakers. These jacks cannot be used with an
effects loop because it is after the power amp in.
The Preamp outputs are before the power amp inputs.
These are best to use with third party signal
processors or effects.
ANSWER: What you are most likely hearing is a
ground loop hum. This happens when the AC outlets
used by the PA and
210 are on two different
circuits. One way to correct this is to plug the
210 into the same AC circuit as the PA. On larger
PAs, several AC circuits may be used or the outlets
on the same circuit are too far away to be practical.
In this situation, a direct box will be needed (two if
Stereo) to convert the un-balanced line outputs on the
210 to balanced line outputs. If the direct box
has a ground lift switch, be sure it’s in the “lifted”
position. To prevent an electrical hazard, DO NOT
attempt to correct the ground loop problem by lifting
or removing the AC ground pin on the power cord.
ANSWER: The solid state power amp circuits are
specially designed to deliver optimum performance to
the internal Celestion speakers. Adding external
speakers would compromise this match.
ANSWER: No. One of the features of the effects is
having the presets track the channels when switched.
This is especially useful when playing live by
allowing the musician to spend more time
performing and less time changing amplifier and
effect settings.
ANSWER: If an effects group is bypassed, the level is
blank because there is nothing to adjust.
ANSWER: Yes, select the rhythm channel and the
Favorites Bank you want to store the setting in.
Select “bypass” in all 3 groups for the effects to use.
Press the “Save” button. Now select the Lead
channel and set the 3 effect groups for desired sound
and press “Save”. Now press the Lead channel
“Boost on” button and set the 3 effect groups for
desired sound and press Save again.
ANSWER: The preamp is in mono up to the digital
effects. The digital effects processor has a mono
input with a stereo output. Both speakers will
produce the same sound when the effects are not
active or all three groups are bypassed.
ANSWER: Yes, and it’s a simple thing to do. Go to
the preset you want (Ex: Favorites 1 Rhythm), press
the Reverb Group Button, then press the Save
Button. All of your setting are the same except now
the Reverb Group will be the selected Effect Group
for that preset.
I want to use digital effects on the lead channel
and lead boost, but not on the rhythm channel. Is
there a way to do this without having to press the
effects button every time I switch between lead
and rhythm channels?
The amplifier has a mono input, so how does the
amp have a stereo output?
I understand the Effect Group button that is
illuminated can be controlled by the Level
without pressing the button first. On some of my
Presets, I usually need to just adjust the Reverb.
Can I set this as my default for these presets so I
don’t have to press the Reverb
button first
before adjusting the level ?
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions: