Global mode settings on the x50, Local control on settings, Midi filter “exclusive” setting – KORG X50 User Manual

Page 38: The “convert position” setting

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Make the necessary settings in the X50’s Global

See “Global mode settings on the X50,” below.

Global mode settings on the X50

Local Control On settings

Turn on the Echo Back function of the external
MIDI/USB sequencer or computer (so that data
received at MIDI IN will be re-transmitted from
MIDI OUT/USB), and turn off the X50’s Local

setting (so that X50’s keyboard and tone

generator will be internally disconnected).

When you play the keyboard of the X50, the musical
data will be transmitted to the external MIDI
sequencer or computer, and then echoed back to
play the X50 tone generator. In other words, by turn-
ing Local Control OFF, you can prevent notes from
being sounded in duplicate, as would otherwise
occur if a note were sounded by the X50’s own key-
board and again by the data that was echoed-back.

If the arpeggiator function is on, playing the X50’s
keyboard will not cause the arpeggiator to oper-
ate, and only the musical data produced by play-
ing the keyboard will be transmitted. The
arpeggiator will operate only in response to the
notes that are echoed-back and received at MIDI
IN. In this way, turning off Local Control prevents
the arpeggiator from operating in duplicate.
Use this setting when you wish to record on the
external MIDI sequencer or computer only the
notes that trigger the arpeggiator, and to use the
echoed-back notes to operate the arpeggiator while
monitoring your recording or during playback.

Note: If you want the note data produced by the
arpeggiator to be recorded on the external
sequencer/computer, set Local Control on, and
turn off the Echo Back setting of the external

The default setting for Local Control is On. To turn
off Local Control, the “Local Control On” (GLO-
BAL 1: MIDI page) check box to uncheck it (


When using the X50 by itself, leave Local Control
turned on. (If this is off when X50 is used by itself,
playing the keyboard will not produce sound.)

Note: The X50’s Local Control setting can be turned
Off by the Local Control Off message sent from the
editor when you start up X50 Plug-In Editor.

MIDI Filter “Exclusive” setting

If you want the X50 to transmit and receive system
exclusive data, you must check the GLOBAL 1:
MIDI page MIDI Filter “Exclusive” check box.
Check this box if the X50 is connected to your
computer and you want to edit the X50 from your
computer (or bi-directionally). You must also
check this box if you’re using the X50 Editor/
Plug-In Editor. By default, the MIDI Filter “Exclu-
sive” setting is checked.

The “Convert Position” setting

On the X50, the parameters “Key Transpose” and
“Velocity Curve” (GLOBAL 0: System, Basic page)
allow you to transpose the pitch, adjust the veloc-
ity sensitivity.

The “Convert Position” setting (GLOBAL 1: MIDI
page) specifies the point at which these settings
affect the data from the keyboard and the data
sent or received via MIDI IN/USB or MIDI OUT/

• When controlling an external MIDI tone gener-

ator from the X50, select Pre MIDI. The above-
listed settings will affect the MIDI data that is

Incoming MIDI data will be handled with
settings equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0 and
“Velocity Curve” 4.

• When controlling the X50’s tone generator from

an external MIDI device, select PostMIDI. The
above-listed settings will affect the MIDI data
that is received.

Outgoing MIDI data will be handled with
settings equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0 and
“Velocity Curve” 4.

The default settings are “Key Transpose” +00,
“Velocity Curve” 4 (Normal), and “Convert Posi-
tion” PreMIDI.









This connection
is broken when
you turn Local
Control off.

Sequencer or
(Echo Back on)



Sound gener-
ator section
