Kodak A-7330 User Manual
Ocus, Roubleshooting, Uide

Kodak, Carousel, and Ektagraphic are trademarks.
Eastman Kodak Company, 2002 A -7330
The purpose of this Troubleshooting Guide is to
isolate the focus problem to one area of the
optical path and to determine if your slide
projector needs service.
You will need:
A good slide
- With a sharp image known to be in focus
- As flat as possible, not warped; a glass
slide mount is preferred
- Or use a Kodak target slide (call
1-800-242-2424, ext. 10 to obtain one)
A flat field lens
A flat screen or projection surface
Your projector
Many factors can cause slides to appear out of
focus. Some focus problems require service,
some, a simple adjustment that you can make.
Before you send your projector in for service,
eliminate some of the other possibilities that
can affect focus.
Check your slides to see if they are warped or
have damaged mounts.
Check below to see if you are using the right
lens for your application.
Flat Field: We recommend using a flat field
lens for most general slide projector
applications. It presents the sharpest image
when used with an assortment of slide mounts.
If you do not have a flat field lens to test with,
ask your local AV dealer for help.
Curved Field: A curved field lens is
recommended only for use with open-faced
mounts created with an automated cardboard
mount machine. This process causes a slight
curvature, which is corrected with the curved
field lens. This is a special lens for a special
purpose and can cause focus problems with
slides that are not curved.
A flat screen or surface should be used for most
slide presentations. A curved screen purchased
for unique applications should not be used to
assess your focus problem.
1) Set projector on a sturdy, flat surface about 10 feet from a flat screen.
Be sure the projector is perpendicular to the screen.
b. While testing the focus, do not use the elevation foot; it is important
to keep the projector level and not on an angle.
2) Insert your target slide (it is important that this slide be flat, glass-
mounted if possible, and contain a sharp image that is known to be in
focus. Call Kodak at 1-800-242-2424, ext. 10 if you need a target slide.).
3) Turn on the projector power and lamp.
4) Turn the autofocus off if you have that feature on your projector.
5) Focus the center of the slide.
6) Are the 4 corners of the slide in focus?
If YES, the projector and lens are okay and do not need repair.
b. If NO, continue troubleshooting.
7) Are you using a curved field lens?
If YES, you will need to obtain a flat field lens from your local AV.
dealer or return your projector to a service dealer for testing.
b. If NO, and you are using a flat field lens, continue troubleshooting.
8) Replace the lamp. Be sure to seat it properly:
Turn the projector off, unplug it, and let it cool.
NOTE: Be sure the projector is cool before proceeding! A hot
lamp or module can burn your fingers.
b. Remove the lamp module.
Lift the lamp release clip and carefully remove the lamp.
d. Insert the new lamp.
Push down on the base to tightly seat the lamp.
Relatch the clip and push the lamp module back into the projector
until it latches.
9) Plug the projector in and project the target slide again, focusing on the
center of the slide.
10) If the outer corners of the slide are still out of focus, return the projector to
your dealer for service. See service instructions below.
Send the projector to the nearest repair dealer. To find the dealer nearest you,
call 1-800-242-2424, ext. 10.
When returning a projector for service, be sure to include:
The projector
The lens
A sample slide that is out of focus
A note describing the problem
Your complete name, address, and phone number