Troubleshooting – Spirit Communications System ConnecT/R User Manual
Page 23

This section should help you determine the
Remember that the way your SPIRIT System
cause of problems you might encounter and
was customized may influence how a particular
help you resolve them. It begins with general
device operates. Call the AT&T Helpline at
problems, then is categorized according to the
1-800-628-2888 if you need assistance.
types of telephone devices you may have
attached to your ConnecT/R.
Operational Difficulty
What to Check
Outside call doesn't ring
Do Not Disturb active
Delayed Ringing active*
Abbreviated Ringing active*
Ringing active*
No Access active*
Ringer turned off on telephone device
Intercom call doesn't ring
Call Forward active
HFAI active
Ringer turned off on telephone device
Rings, but nobody there
Abbreviated Ring active*
Delayed Ringing active*
SPIRIT System sometimes rings once after
party hangs up
PBX Callback active
Line Reserve active
Hold Call Reminder active
* Check with the person in your organization responsible for the SPIRIT System.